Specialization in veterinary medical clinic - associated with complementary therapies - São Paulo
We are a family owned and operated business.
Specialization in veterinary medical clinic - associated with complementary therapies
The Equilibrium Institute offers a quality teaching proposal, with qualified teachers, a vast content, training competent professionals for the job market. The course proposes the learning of different specialties, knowing in fact the pathologies and their forms of treatment. The course allows the student to develop a keen eye in relation to the picture presented by the animal, better knowing the physiology of the different pathologies, their specificities and knowing how to effectively carry out the most appropriate treatment for each case. Along the way we have case discussions and practical applications of the contents worked on. One of the major objectives of the course is to promote a reflection on the reality of the pathology of each animal, understanding its manifestations and roots, thus proposing an effective and respectful treatment. Combining conventional veterinary medicine with complementary medicine, bringing a differential to the professional. In addition, we have specialized professionals such as a psychopedagogue to assist students in their learning difficulties and support teachers in didactic-pedagogical issues. Thus, we divide our classes into:
Specialty modules: the nde discusses each specialty according to conventional medicine and implements the connection with complementary medicines in theory and in practice.
Techniques learning modules: learning Western techniques, such as surgery, pharmacology and clinical laboratory and modules of complementary techniques such as homeopathy, acupuncture, Nutraceuticals, uniting through practice. The classes will be taught jointly by specialist teachers in the different areas and therapists in the complementary area , with theoretical classes on Friday nights, Saturdays full-time and Sundays in the morning and practice on Sunday afternoons.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Coordinator : Fábio Novelli Martorelli
Location: Equilibrium Institute - 119 Serranos Street - Bosque da Saúde - SP-SP
Start: MARCH / 2020
Duration: 24 months - 500 hours
Price: R $ 24x R $ 840.00 or contact us for other payment methods